Obesity And Its Effects In The United Kingdom

This essay will focus on the effects of obesity on adult health and lifestyle. This essay is primarily focused on the United Kingdom’s (UK) population. The extra fat in the body can cause disability, heart disease, diabetes or cancer. Body Mass Index, or BMI, is used in the calculation of obesity. Calculating BMI is as simple as dividing a person’s kilogram weight by their height in meters. A BMI above 30 is considered obese. Below 25 is overweight. Previously, it was thought that obesity only affected countries with high-incomes. However, this is no longer the case.

UK has the highest rate of obesity in Europe with 26,9%. One in four UK residents is obese. According to the UK population as a whole, 61.7% is either overweight or obese. Scarborough and others (2011) stated that the UK’s highest obesity rate is primarily due to poor diet and lack of exercise. (2011) reported that the UK’s highest rate of obesity is due primarily to poor diet and lack exercise. Nurses’ most important practice is managing the patient’s weight. Nurses are important in identifying patients who may be obese or those at risk. They can support them by providing advice. The discussion will cover the main problem, obesity, as well as socio-economic issues that influence it, such education, environment and green spaces. The impact of gender, ethnicity and physiological factors such as depression and stress are also discussed. Discussions will also include the policies that are being implemented to combat this issue.

The inequalities associated with obesity can be estimated by a number of signs. To define obesity estimation, the factors listed are related to logical regressions as well as overweight rates for each group. These copies will be used for the range of categories, which include gender, ethnicity and occupation. The socio-economic factors affecting obesity include housing, education or Green Spaces, health literacy, income and many others.

Three possible relationships exist between obesity and education. The first type of relationship is random, where education is used to improve the obesity. A reverse random relation is also possible, showing that education can lead to a healthier lifestyle. Scrivano et al. (2017) claimed that many factors are unobserved but have a significant impact on obesity. This may include family background, genetics and individual differences. These factors are used to support the idea that people who are more educated are healthier. People with more education had better access to information about health than those without or with little education. The person can improve their ability to think and get useful information by educating themselves. Patterson (2018) states that those with less knowledge about food’s energy content may be more prone to obesity. According to studies, people who are not obese in lower classes of society have a greater knowledge about food than those who are obese. People with a high level of education may be able to set up their lifestyles more healthily and know the risks that lead to obesity. Even though studies show that groups with higher education are more likely than others to eat a healthier diet, they can also be more likely to consume unhealthy food because of the time factor. The busy schedules of educated groups may not allow them to prepare healthy meals at home. They will order from restaurants even though they know that cooking at home is healthier than buying. Educated groups can also become obese if they adopt this type of behavior. There are several ways to combat the effects of obesity in education. This is important because it leads to many education-related policies and sets trends for education-based policy.

Genetics and environment interact to determine the balance of energy and weight in the body. Genetics has an impact on weight and this has been gaining attention over the years. In the last 30 year, obesity has become more popular. Mayne (2015) stated that environmental change was the most important factor in obesity. In an environment-gene interaction, individuals with a genetic predisposition to obesity are more likely to develop the condition. In such an environment, energy intake is high and energy expenditure low. Weight gain is caused by an environment that lacks energy-dense products and reduces physical activity.

Gretebeck et al. In 2017, (2017) showed that several studies were conducted in recent years. These studies revealed that women have a lower rate of health related quality of life than men. The same is true for people in good health as well as those who are receiving medical treatment. The health-related life quality for people with severe illnesses is lower in women than it is in men. Jonikas et al. The study concluded (2016) that obesity directly correlates with health. This occurs among people with low health rates. Obesity is not a clear cause, but it can lead to many serious health problems. Women with obesity are less healthy than men. Women are more obese in the UK than men. In UK, there are 30% more obese women than men. Women are more likely to be obese than men due to their physiological characteristics. The difference between men and women is small.

Obesity affects people in all countries. Obesity is a problem in developed countries or developing countries. Around 244 millions people migrate from their countries of birth to live in another country. There are ethnic patterns in obesity. It is important to know the relationships between these factors in order to formulate a prevention policy. Khorgami, (2015) stated that the obesity rate among blacks in UK is higher than it is for whites, with 51% of them being obese. It is possible to avoid these obesity issues in different ethnicities by creating an environment that promotes a healthy lifestyle. Three factors are responsible for obesity in various ethnicities. There are three factors that influence obesity in different ethnicities. Second, there are differences between attitudes and cultural values that affect obesity. Last but not least, affordability is a major factor in obesity. The cost of healthy food is high and families on low incomes are often unable to afford it. The time they have will limit their ability to shop for healthy food. In order to save money, people will choose unhealthy and cheap foods. In order to reduce obesity among different races, there must be a great response from the public. The government’s policies, programmes, efforts and environment must also play a supportive role in overcoming obesity.

Mannan et al. According to (2016), the relationship between depression and obesity is not a one-way street. Studies show that depression and obesity are interdependent. It’s a self destructive act. According to research, obese persons are more likely than others to experience mood disorders such as depression. Many negative factors can contribute to depression, such as low-self-esteem, poor self images, and social exclusion. The stereotypes and discrimination against obese people are widespread. Obesity is also linked to chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension.

Obesity and stress have also a relationship of two ways. Individuals have different reactions to stress. Tomiyama (2018, p. 3) found that stress can cause people to gain weight. Stressed people tend to prefer comfort foods that are high in sugar and fat. This acts as a stress releaser for the mind. People who are stressed tend to snack more and consume fewer vegetables and meals. The stress also causes these people to be inactive. Stress at the workplace leads people to eat more fast food, resulting in obesity.

Our health guidance was focused mainly on adult obesity and its associated risks. Health professionals including nurses are responsible for educating themselves on the services and resources available to them in their local community. In order to provide the best care to their patients, health professionals need to establish a strong relationship. They should advise them on obesity risks and how to achieve a healthy life style and diet. This includes both physical and psychological assistance if needed. The Health Advice was created to help improve health in communities and societies, to increase awareness of the importance physical activities such as exercise.

According to NMC’s code of practice, nurses are required to treat all patients with respect and avoid any bias. Nurses should be especially polite with obese patients because it takes them a while to recover. Depending on the efficacy of medications, some obese people may need to spend more time in hospital. This could include an obese diabetic patient. Even after treatment, they will need to remain in the hospital to monitor their blood sugar levels.

The nurse is a key player in the fight against obesity. Lineberry & Ickes (2015) state that nurses are expected to work towards the improvement of health and prevent illnesses. The nurse is a key player in the fight against obesity because doctors aren’t always with their patients. As a result, patients listen to nurses while they care for their needs during hospitalization. A nurse is able to prevent an obese patient by giving him a diet plan and keeping a close eye on his progress. A nurse has the ability to refer obese or at-risk patients to dietitians. Nurses’ motivational sessions with patients will have an impact and help them recover quickly. Nurses owe their obese patients a duty of care, and are held accountable for any actions. Nurses must provide primary care for obese patients. This includes self-referrals, referrals from GPs, and referrals to acute care.

Obesity is a common problem among people who have low levels of education. Few people in the UK’s higher socioeconomic groups are obese. Low educated people are more at risk than high-educated individuals because they lack the knowledge to identify foods that could be harmful or cause obesity. The nurses play an important role in the prevention of obesity. They are the ones who stay with patients 24/7 and patients start to listen more. Many physiological factors affect obesity. All of these factors are related to obesity. Along with physiological factors, socio-economic issues also play a major role in obesity.


  • milaniaodonnell

    Milania is a 34 yo educational blogger and volunteer, and student. She is passionate about helping others learn and grow, and has worked in education for over 10 years. Milania is currently a student at the University of Southern California, majoring in Educational Journalism.